Funny Grocery List Names Create Timeline Depicting Grim Reality of 2020

Funny Grocery List Names Create Timeline Depicting Grim Reality of 2020


As shoppers began the New Year full of hope, many also embraced the use of technology to assist their shopping.  Data that was obtained from the names of their shopping list unintentionally revealed the frenzied viewpoint of American shoppers as this year has progressed.

While most shoppers chose names for their shopping lists that were pretty standard, (i.e. My List, Weekend Groceries, Walmart List, etc.) there was a drastic increase in oddly titled grocery shopping lists. 

As shoppers desperately searched for ways to limit their exposure to COVID-19 they downloaded shopping apps to speed up their grocery trips.  Speed Shopper, a popular shopping list app that sorts shopping lists automatically by aisle location shared some of their most fascinating list name data.  They reported a 480% increase in new user downloads from February to April and began compiling data to better serve their rapidly growing user base.

This list of 9 stand-out shopping list names spans from January to June and this is what the data shows.

  1. January – New Year Shopping

  2. February – Bulk Hand Soap

  3. March – Quarantine

  4. March – Stock Pile

  5. March – Apocalypse Grocery

  6. April – Lockdown

  7. April – Foods Within Reason

  8. May – The Purge

  9. June – Items to Steal

(The list above contains actual shopping list name created by users of the Speed Shopper grocery list app.  The list names have not been altered or changed in any way.)